Dawn Walsh

Hi everyone, thank you so much for visiting my website today. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

Bridport is my home town, it is where I was born and enjoyed a very free and happy childhood. I moved away when I was 21 and lived in Hertfordshire for many years, working in the IT industry in London and around the UK. Six years ago my husband and I returned to Bridport and we are so glad that we did, what a wonderful place Bridport is!

I started working part time and this enabled me to spend more time on my lifetime passions of Yoga, Painting and Writing. I have been interested in holistic fitness throughout my adult life but it is Yoga I keep returning to because of the benefits to mind, body and spirit.

I decided to train as a Yoga teacher and studied for three years with the British Wheel of Yoga successfully completing their Yoga Teacher Diploma course.

I delivered Yoga Zoom classes every week throughout the pandemic lock downs, which enabled both my students and myself to keep practicing Yoga, it was wonderful to connect in this way, even of it was not in person!

I now teach Hatha Yoga at the Glow Collective Studio in Bridport on both Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9:30 - 11:00.

I would love it if you could join me.