The Koshas, our layers of being - Spring 2025
During the Spring term of 2025 we will be revisiting the Koshas, the five layers of being.

The Bhagavad Gita - Autumn Term 2024
During the Autumn term our focus was the Yoga and Hindu scripture of “The Bhagavad Gita” and the messages it contains above how we can live our lives in the modern world.
The key messages we investigated are included in this blog.

Celestial Bodies - Summer term 2024
Yoga, at its core, is about aligning the individual self with the universal consciousness. Similarly, astrology operates on the premise that our lives are intricately connected to the cosmic energies symbolised by celestial bodies.

Spring term 2024
Over the last couple of years we have focused on specific Yoga teachings in our weekly practice. We have delved into the Koshas, the Chakras, Pranayama, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Mudras, Bandhas……. the list goes on.
During the Spring term of 2024 we are going to investigate how these concepts work together when we practice Yoga and the resulting effect on mind, body and soul.
I hope to see you soon 🙏

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
This Autumn we will be using the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as our theme and taking snippets of wisdom from it as the basis of each class.
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras were written in Sanskrit around the 3rd Century BCE. There are 196 sutras divided into 4 chapters known as 'pada' - this translates as 'at the foot of' - the way that Yoga was originally taught, at the foot of a master.
The goal of Yoga is self-realisation and the sutras describe how this can be achieved.

The Chakras
The chakras are energetic concepts that exist in the subtle body, following a path inside the body, up the spine from the pelvis to the crown of the head. Their purpose is to move prana (life force) around the body via nadis (energy channels), freeing areas that have become blocked by fear, greed, attachment, stress and anxiety which manifest in a poorly functioning physical body.

Attachments - why they can make us unhappy and what we can do about it
Learning to let go of our fears

The Chakras
According to yoga tradition, the subtle body is where your energy flows. The subtle body has seven vortexes of energy, known as chakras. When energy becomes blocked in a chakra, it triggers physical, mental, or emotional imbalances.

The Niyamas and Yamas
The Niyamas and Yamas are foundational to the Yogic way of living. They are guidelines about how we can live the best life possible.