Attachments in Yoga

During the autumn term of 2022, we investigated the topic of attachments. We looked at recognising what attachments actually are, why we hold on to them, the impact of attachments on our lives, and what we can do in our Yoga practice and everyday life to let go of the attachments which no longer serve us.

The first step is to recognise the thoughts and behaviours that attempt to control us, particularly those thoughts and emotions that cause suffering, such as fear, greed, possessiveness, jealousy, suspicion. There are many others!

However, not all attachments are harmful. Once we are aware of what we are holding on to, we can then recognise what serves us and what does not.

Once we learn to identify the memories, thoughts and desires that no longer serve us, and know how to release these, then we start to experience a sense of joyful wellbeing.

During the series of Yoga classes, we referenced Yoga texts such as Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita: these provide us with signposts which help us to recognise deep attachments and explain how we can start to manage them - rather than letting them manage us.

We did this through our weekly practice of asana (postures), pranayama (breath control), meditation, and self-inquiry.

Click on the pictures below to access the Yoga sequence for each week: