The Chakras

January 2022

Happy New Year to everyone!

My website is now up to date with my current Hatha Yoga classes. I am continuing with Yoga classes on a face to face basis for the time being, the Yoga studio holds eight people easily and still ensures we are socially distanced. If the situation changes I will post here.

We are currently working with the Chakras in our yoga practice. The chakras are energetic concepts that exist in the subtle body, following a path inside the body up the spine from the pelvis to the crown of the head. Their purpose is to move prana around the body via nadis (channels), freeing areas that have become blocked by fear, greed, attachment, stress, anxiety and which manifest in a poorly functioning physical body.

To date we have covered:

Muladhara - the root chakra, located near the bottom of the pelvis, is the foundation that supports our physical life, this chakra is connected to safety, security, confidence, acceptance - so we need to keep this center strong and stable.

Svadisthana - the sacral chakra, located in the area of the reproductive organs, relates to pleasure, emotions, creativity and connections to other people.

Manipura - the solar plexus, located between the navel and the diaphragm and is linked with strength, vitality, ego, willpower, stamina and your sense of self. It is the fire within you.

This week and next week we are working with Anahata the heart chakra, linked to love, trust, attachment, passion and compassion.

Over the next few weeks, spending two weeks on each chakra we will learn about the Vishudhha, Anya and Sahasrara chakras - more to come!

If you would like to come along and join our weekly yoga practice, please contact me at:

Om Shanti 🙏🏻


The Chakra’s continued…


The Niyamas and Yamas