November new start!

Well that wasn’t the most auspicious start! All lined up for an April 2020 start, flyers created and posted around Bridport, venue booked, people also booked to attend (only a few but that’s all I needed to start!) and then the whole country went into lockdown.

I had to put my plans on hold when it became obvious that face to face classes were not going to happen any time soon. Instead I started delivered Yoga classes via Zoom.

This has worked surprisingly well and although it’s not the same as attending a real Yoga class it does have benefits; no travelling and Yoga practice in the comfort of your own home! I have a small Yoga studio and it has been a source of real pleasure for me, carrying out Yoga classes and my own practice from there.

I run a regular Saturday morning Hatha Yoga class on Zoom, which has proved very popular, so I’m now branching out to Wednesday mornings from 9:30 - 11:00 and Wednesday early evenings from 17:30 - 19:00.

From the beginning of November I am starting a 10 week series of Yoga classes based around Patanjali’s first two limbs of Yoga, the Yamas and Niyamas. These are moral and ethical principles for Yoga practice that can be taken through into everyday life.

These Yoga classes are appropriate to Yoga practitioners of all levels, and particularly useful for beginners, returners and those wanting to understand the practice of Hatha Yoga from a philosophical/spiritual viewpoint as well as a physical practice to strengthen your body and bring calmness to your mind.


Merry Christmas! ⛄🎄


Coming Soon!