Yoga sequences that focus on the Chakras
Muladhara Chakra
The first chakra is called Muladhara and it is located at the base of the spine.
Also known as the root centre. It is connected to safety, security, confidence, acceptance, and comfort. It is the chakra responsible for your sense of belonging and connection to Earth. It is the foundation that supports our physical and energetic life. It is believed to be the basis from which the three primary channels of psychic energy in the body emerge: Ida, Pingala and Sushumna
Mula (root) dhara (foundation or support )
When the root chakra is blocked it can lead to feelings of sluggishness, tiredness, stress, anxiety, abandonment, unable to move on and an overall feeling of not feeling good enough just as you are.
When the root chakra is open you will feel grounded and secure.
The Yoga asanas contained in the sequence below are designed to stabilise and strengthen the root energy and focuses on the pelvis, base of spine, legs, feet.
Svadisthana Chakra
Text re svadisthana chakra
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