The Chakras

During the Summer term we are revisiting the Chakras. We last looked at this topic in detail during 2021, so it's due for another visit 😊

The chakras are energetic concepts that exist in the subtle body, following a path inside the body, up the spine from the pelvis to the crown of the head. Their purpose is to move prana (life force) around the body via nadis (energy channels), freeing areas that have become blocked by fear, greed, attachment, stress and anxiety which manifest in a poorly functioning physical body.

In the last couple of weeks we have been working with the muladhara chakra, the root chakra, located near the bottom of the pelvis. It is the foundation that supports our physical life, this chakra is connected to safety, security, confidence, acceptance - we need to keep this centre strong and stable.

Take a look below for the class sequences on the muladhara chakra, feel free to download or print these out for your own use:

Over the next couple of weeks we will be exploring the svadisthana chakra - also known as the sacral chakra. It is experienced in the area of the reproductive organs and it relates to pleasure, emotions, creativity and connections to other people.

Please do join me for our weekly yoga practice, it would be lovely to see you!

If you are interested, please contact Dawn at:

Om Shanti 🙏🏻


The Chakras continued……


Pranayama cont……