The Chakras - our energy centres within
Feb 7 Written By Dawn Walsh
During January we investigated the Vishuddha and Anja Chakra’s:
Vishuddha Chakra – meaning to purify, symbolises purity and harmony in the whole of one’s being
This chakra is located near the base of the throat, it is the gateway between the body and the mind. It is often depicted as a blue downward-facing triangle inside a lotus with 16 purple petals. Vishuddha is associated with the element ether, or “space” (akasha), and with speaking one’s truth. Its energetic function is to help us find authentic self-expression.
Anja Chakra - meaning ‘perceive, beyond wisdom, command’
The third-eye chakra is associated with higher knowledge, intuition, and what you might think of as your sixth sense (after touch, taste, smell, sight, sound) - it’s not tangible, it’s a subtle sense that picks up subtle signals around us.
Located in the centre of the head (measure nose to chin, same distance to forehead is where this chakra sits. The energy of this chakra allows us to see and understand the inner and outer worlds. When open, the third eye chakra connects us to the present moment and can deepen spiritual connection as well as provide wisdom and insight.
It is associated with the pineal gland which regulates biorhythms, including sleep. The pineal gland produces melatonin, which regulates the circadian rhythm, or internal clock that the tells the body when to sleep and wake up.
In February we will continue with investigating the final chakra - Sahasrara - the crown chakra - the spiritual self.
Followed by asana sequences combining the chakras for an inclusive chakra experience.
I look forward to practicing with you
Om Shanti 🙏🏻
Welcome 2022
Happy New Year to everyone!
My website is now up to date with my current Hatha Yoga classes. I am continuing with Yoga classes on a face to face basis for the time being, the Yoga studio holds eight people easily and still ensures we are socially distanced. If the situation changes I will post here.
We are currently working with the Chakras in our yoga practice. The chakras are energetic concepts that exist in the subtle body, following a path inside the body up the spine from the pelvis to the crown of the head. Their purpose is to move prana around the body via nadis (channels), freeing areas that have become blocked by fear, greed, attachment, stress, anxiety and which manifest in a poorly functioning physical body.
To date we have covered:
Muladhara - the root chakra, located near the bottom of the pelvis, is the foundation that supports our physical life, this chakra is connected to safety, security, confidence, acceptance - so we need to keep this center strong and stable.
Svadisthana - the sacral chakra, located in the area of the reproductive organs, relates to pleasure, emotions, creativity and connections to other people.
Manipura - the solar plexus, located between the navel and the diaphragm and is linked with strength, vitality, ego, willpower, stamina and your sense of self. It is the fire within you.
This week and next week we are working with Anahata the heart chakra, linked to love, trust, attachment, passion and compassion.
Over the next few weeks, spending two weeks on each chakra we will learn about the Vishudhha, Anya and Sahasrara chakras - more to come!
If you would like to come along and join our weekly yoga practice, please contact me at:
Om Shanti 🙏🏻
Niyamas and Yamas
During January and February we are continuing with incorporating the Yamas and Niyamas into our practice, which are the first two limbs of Patanjali’s eight limb Yoga path.
In January we looked at three of the five Niyamas, which are observances or guidelines to assist us in living healthy and more fulfilling lives, both on and off the mat:
Santosha - being content in the moment, acceptance of who you are and what you can achieve now, this will change as your practice and your life progress.
Tapas - self discipline. Tapas literally translate as ‘heat’ and refers to the effort expended in any activity, in our Yoga asanas, meditation or indeed in everyday life.
Ishvara Pranidhana - recognising that there is more to our lives than our own ego.
During February we are exploring the final two Niyamas:
Sauca - purification or cleanliness, on the gross level this refers to our living conditions, our bodies, our homes, the planet. More subtly, it is using Yoga practices of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation to clear our bodies and minds.
Svadhyaya - self study - learning about ourselves, learning about the history and philosophy of Yoga, reflecting and putting into practice what the masters have learnt and taught.
We meet every Wednesday and Saturday at 10:00, please do join us (note the Saturday class is full at present)
Merry Christmas! ⛄🎄
Wishing everyone who has attended my Yoga classes this year a very Merry Christmas and let’s hope 2021 allows us to return to some kind of normality!
Until we can meet again on the Yoga mat, I will be continuing with Zoom lessons, introducing a new Wednesday Hatha Yoga class from 9:30 - 11:00, beginning January 6th 2021. I am also considering a Wednesday evening class from 17:30 - 19:00. If you are interested in either of these, please do email me at
If you prefer to book your Yoga class directly with me and not via the online shop, again please do email me.
Om Shanti 🙏
November new start!
Well that wasn’t the most auspicious start! All lined up for an April 2020 start, flyers created and posted around Bridport, venue booked, people also booked to attend (only a few but that’s all I needed to start!) and then the whole country went into lockdown.
I had to put my plans on hold when it became obvious that face to face classes were not going to happen any time soon. Instead I started delivered Yoga classes via Zoom.
This has worked surprisingly well and although it’s not the same as attending a real Yoga class it does have benefits; no travelling and Yoga practice in the comfort of your own home! I have a small Yoga studio and it has been a source of real pleasure for me, carrying out Yoga classes and my own practice from there.
I run a regular Saturday morning Hatha Yoga class on Zoom, which has proved very popular, so I’m now branching out to Wednesday mornings from 9:30 - 11:00 and Wednesday early evenings from 17:30 - 19:00.
From the beginning of November I am starting a 10 week series of Yoga classes based around Patanjali’s first two limbs of Yoga, the Yamas and Niyamas. These are moral and ethical principles for Yoga practice that can be taken through into everyday life.
These Yoga classes are appropriate to Yoga practitioners of all levels, and particularly useful for beginners, returners and those wanting to understand the practice of Hatha Yoga from a philosophical/spiritual viewpoint as well as a physical practice to strengthen your body and bring calmness to your mind.